
Showing posts from October, 2019

Young Scientist Award

Euro Immunology 2020 conjointly invites Young researchers to present their latest findings in oral and poster sessions. The  Young Scientist Award is open to those researchers involved in graduate education and research happenings that accentuate bearable progress. It  promotes top-level research and focuses on the contemporary, outstanding achievements in the field of immunology, and future trends and needs Submit your research work at

Conference Highlights

Euro Immunology 2020 has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from, every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with both industry and academia's people and establish a scientific network between them.  The conference will have a discussion on 20+major topics and 100+ subtopics. Track 1:   Immune System Subtracks:   Healthy Immune System  Immune Responses Immunomodulators Autoimmunity Technology Development and Applications

Avail discounts on group registration

Registration opens for Euro Immunology 2020. We are glad to inform you that Speaker and delegate opportunity are available. Book your slots to confirm your presence. Avail discounts on group registration. Registration link:

Plan a trip to Scotland

Plan a trip to Scotland the land of mountain interspersed with valleys and  lakes Join our event European Congress on Immunology March 4-5, 2020 Edinburgh Scotland. To explore more about the congress visit :

Call for abstract

Submit your abstract and present your research work in European Congress on Immunology slated during March 4-5, 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Accepted Abstracts will be published in respective supporting journals, each abstract will be labelled with a DOI provided by Cross Ref. To submit the abstract visit:

Scrutinize the Advancements in the field of immunology

Pulsus   takes immense pleasure in inviting participants from all over the world to attend the " European Congress on Immunology " ( Euro Immunology 2020 ) on March 04-05, 2020 at Edinburg, Scotland.   The conference is structured around the theme " Foster the natural assets of Immunology. ” which will furnish an international programme for the discussion of advanced research in Immunology. The conference is comprised of prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Young Research Forum, Workshops, and Exhibitions.                                                              For more detail, Contact : Catherine Ellis Program Manager | Euro Immunology 2020 E : Tel/WhatsApp: +44-1828270013 Website: